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World class standards

Composite polymer materials

Our main competitive advantage is the production of polymer composite materials with the characteristics that exactly meet your needs. Composite materials are artificially created materials consisting of two or more components separated by a boundary, that is, at least a two-phase system is formed. In this system, the polymer acts as a binder (matrix), and the filler acts as a reinforcing (reinforcing) component or functional filler. These materials have unique properties, which are designed by specialists in accordance with the customer's specifications. Many modern research centers are exploring the creation of new composite materials with the aim of producing cheaper and more convenient materials that will meet the demands of today's market.

Types of composite materials

Materials based on polymer compositions, as the name implies, contain a polymer matrix. Various materials can be used as reinforcement, such as fiberglass, fabrics, films and others. There are several ways to form polymer compositions, including injection molding, spraying, pressing, extrusion.

  • crosslinking catalyst;

  • ABS PCplastic;

  • PC/PBT composition.

Application of composite polymers

As you can understand, polymer composite materials are used everywhere. The main areas of application include:

  • construction;

  • Agriculture;

  • electronics;

  • sport;

  • medicine;

  • household products;

  • and many many others.

The varieties of polymer composite materials presented on our website have a number of properties, which makes them widely known. Among these characteristics are the following:

  • high chemical resistance;

  • impact resistance;

  • heat resistance;

  • resistance to static and vibration loads.

© Ar-bel commodities, 2023.

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